Coinbase Negotiates Acquisition of

According to an anonymous source, the startup from San Francisco, which had received approximately $ 225 million in project financing capital, is in negotiations with to take over the company in the future. is a platform previously known as, where you can earn Bitcoins for replying messages.

Different sources called different high price for the purchase. According to one source, could be sold for $ 30 million. Another source involved in the negotiations said the value of the company would be much higher, $ 120 million, due to the possession of cash, shares and cryptocurrencies.

But not only Coinbase is interested in the company. Other “common household names” in the industry could also imagine a adquisicion of

However, none of the negotiations came to a conclusion. If Coinbase were to take over the company, CEO Balaji Srinivasan would likely continue to run a leading function for earn.

Eddie Elzer

Crypto Social Media Global Influencer

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